Daddy, Where did I Come from?
Wuihhh pd sibuk nonton bola. Kasih joke #parenting #sex education ahh.. Jimmy: Daddy, where did I come from? (Daddy begins to sweat, tugs at his collar, gulps hard, and begins…) Daddy: Well, Jimmy. Yr mother and I love each other very much. First we kiss a lot. Then we take off our clothes… (And he…
Kenapa Tidak Boleh Mengintip?
Pas sikat gigi menjelang tidur Sofia cerita ke saya. S: eh ma tau ga? Me: engga. S: aaaa ntar dulu *ngakak*. Me: knapa2 nak? S: masak td hbs berenang aku, L & B kan dimandiin ma bu guru D. (sekelas ce nya 3 termasuk Sof) Me: Trus? S: iya, bu D kan lg pipis masa…